Winter Lectures Coming Soon!

We’ve got two fascinating Winter Lectures lined up for 2022. Both will take place in the Interpretive Center’s Iseminger Auditorium. Our featured lecturers are Julie Zimmermann, PhD, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Dr. Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, PhD, Washington University St. Louis. Be sure to check out each lecture to learn about the most current research into Cahokia Mounds. 

The first installment of this year’s Winter Lecture series is by Dr. Julie Zimmerman. This lecture will take place January 16 at 2 pm in the Iseminger Auditorium. Dr. Zimmerman discusses Cahokia as a state focused on storytelling. The abstract of Dr. Zimmerman’s lecture, “Storytelling in the Creation of Cahokia,” follows.

Dr. Zimmerman states, “I have argued that Cahokia might best be understood as the capital of a Native American theater state, which drew people to it and spread its influence by attracting followers through theatrical rituals. In current research I argue that storytelling was primary among those rituals. All humans define and create the perceived world through language and stories, and storytelling is a central ritual in oral societies, the foundation for all other rituals. Traditional Native American beliefs indicate that words form the world; contemporary Native American viewpoints also suggest that stories are essential and create the world. Cahokian stories were remembered and commemorated with Braden-style artworks made at and disseminated from Cahokia. Primary among these stories was that of a great hero who wore human head earrings. Other stories were told at Cahokia, but the stories of heroes are those most often depicted in Braden-style artworks found far from Cahokia. The dissemination of hero stories supports the notion that Cahokia was a state; heroic storytelling was central to the growth of the state. Cahokians created their world through stories, but it was through hero stories that they grew their authority in far-flung societies.”

This year’s second lecture, “The Western Flank Survey: From Mississippian to Modern-Day in the Shadow of Monks Mound,” will be given by Dr. Jacob Holland-Lulewicz on February 20 at 2 pm in the Iseminger Auditorium. Read the abstract below.

Dr. Holland-Lulewicz explains, “In this talk, I summarize recent results from the Western Flank Survey, an extensive shovel-test survey of the area immediately abutting the western flank of Monks Mound. Though small in geographic extent, this seemingly insignificant slice of Cahokia has played host to over 1,000 years of human activity: from the moundbuilding and landscape modifications of the original Indigenous occupants, to French missionaries and monks, nineteenth century farmers, and most recently a century’s worth of heritage-making and tourism. Using recent survey results, carefully narrated artifact biographies, and a wealth of historical maps and documents, we will explore a millennium of regional history as reflected, assembled, and staged in the western shadow of the great Monks Mound.”

These lectures are the result of meticulous archaeological research and brought to you by the Cahokia Mounds Museum Society. If you wish to ensure that the society is able to continue helping research the city of Cahokia, please consider  joining as a member or donating to our Annual Fund Drive. If you chose to give to the Annual Fund Drive, a one time donation of $125 or a sustained monthly donation of $10  will get you one of our yearly, one of a kind AFD shirt.

The funds generated by these memberships and donations go to research like these lectures, as well as educational outreach, cultural events,  new programs like our “Back to the City of the Sun” augmented reality project, and land acquisition efforts. Please consider us during this giving season.     

The Annual Fund Drive is Here!

The Annual Fund Drive is in full swing. You can help CMMS continue our efforts at the site with your donation. These funds stay here at Cahokia Mounds and are used to support the entire Calendar of Events, field research, and land acquisition. The Site recieves no funds at the State level to implement any of the outreach or cultural events, marketing, advertising, or research that takes place at Cahokia Mounds. These activities are funded solely by membership dues, donations, grants, and Gift Shop sales.

We know that many organizations need financial help, but we ask that you consider making a donation to the Cahokia Mounds Museum Society Annual Fund Drive this giving season. Your generous giving makes a world of difference in helping Cahokia Mounds continue to provide great programming and research for all our visitors and the community at large.

You can contribute by calling 618-344-7316 or by emaling or Help us preserve the archaeological data at this World Heritage Site and share the story of this ancient city with the world.

For a one time donation of $125 or a monthly donation of $10 or more, you will receive one of this year’s Annual Fund Drive shirts.

The Annual Fund Drive will continue until January 31st.

Cahokia Mounds on PBS

Imagine if you could soar high above the dazzling fall foliage at Starved Rock State Park, the towering Indiana Dunes, the vast expanse of Lake Michigan, or the lost Native American City of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site in Southern Illinois.   Cahokia Mounds and Starved Rock are among the featured sites of the WTTW PBS production “BEYOND CHICAGO FROM THE AIR”.  The Show airs on December 1 at 7:30 pm on all WTTW PBS platforms.  WTTW host/writer Geoffrey Baer takes to the skies again to travel Illinois sharing fun facts and fascinating history as exhilarating drone photography captures towns, parks, railroads, waterways, monuments, and more in Illinois.  The immersive experience is extended on a companion website ( offering a “making of” behind-the-scenes video with commentary by Baer and producer/director Eddie Griffin.

Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Interpretive Center is open Thursday through Sunday from 9-5.  Grounds are open daily from dawn until dusk.  There is no entrance fee, but a suggested donation helps offset costs.

Cahokia Mounds is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and US National Historic Landmark.

For more information contact 618-346-5160 or visit

Thanks for the great 5K!

Thank you to our runners for making this year’s City of the Sun 5k Trail Run a success. It was a beautiful day for to enjoy the foliage on the trails. All the proceeds are going to fund outreach and education for Cahokia Mounds.

The City of the Sun 5k Trail Run is coming soon!

It’s coming right around the corner! Join us for our annual City of the Sun 5k Trail Run on November 7 at 9 am. This fundraiser will give you the opportunity to run along our beautiful site and take in the fall air. Proceeds go to making the site great, improving the programming we offer, and land acquisition efforts to preserve and interpret more of the mounds currently off-site.

Online registration is closed, but you can still sign up the morning of the race by arriving at 8. Registration is $30 per person and $45 for a pair.

Even if you don’t register to run, you can still come out to show your support of the mounds and to cheer on the runners!

This run will take place rain or shine and not all the paths are paved, so make sure to wear appropriate shoes. Most importantly, have fun!

Jingle Hike Challenge

2021 Jingle Hike Challenge
The Jingle Hike Challenge is back for another year! The staff at Heartlands Conservancy have come up with 12 very special places in southwestern Illinois to explore this winter.

About the Jingle Hike Challenge
Jingle bells will be tied to 12 trees in parks throughout the Metro East from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day. Participants are asked to visit as many parks as they can, take a selfie with the bell, and submit the photo evidence using a new tracking system. You can also share your photos on social media, using the hashtag #JingleHike. To check out the Jingle Hike Locations and Rules, go to the Official Jingle Hike Challenge page here.


Registration begins October 11, 2021. Cost is $25 per person and includes t-shirt, printed map with instructions, entry number, and chance to win great prizes. You must register by November 1 to get your t-shirt. (You can still register after November 1, but you will not receive a t-shirt).

After you register you can pick up your Jingle Hike packet from Toolen’s Running Start in O’Fallon (3260 Green Mt Crossing Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269) on Saturday, November 20 between 10 am and noon. Anyone who is unable to come during this time can pick up their packets at the HeartLands Conservancy office at 29 E Main Street in Belleville during business hours or pay an extra $5.00 to have the packet shipped to you. Shirts not picked up by January 31, 2022 will be donated.

Can I still play if I don’t register? 

Anyone is welcome to find the jingle bells, snap and submit a selfie, and share it on social media using #jinglehike. However, you will only be entered to win prizes if you are registered.



Guest Speaker Carrie Wilson

On October 21, 2021 at 2:00 pm in the Iseminger Auditorium, Carrie Wilson, Quapaw, will give a talk titled “Quapaw Robes and Cahokia: Insights by Carrie Wilson, Quapaw.”
In this talk Ms. Wilson will describe bison robes from the 1700s and discuss their significance and relationship to Cahokia based on the design.
Reservations are not needed. This is a free event.

FREE Members Only Augmented Reality Event

FREE Membership Only Event

Make your reservations today by calling 618-344-9221

Sunday, October 17th & Monday, October 18th (10:00 am – 3:30pm)


Back to the City of the Sun, an Augmented Reality Experience

Be one of the first to view and review the NEW Augmented Reality project going on NOW at Cahokia Mounds World Heritage Site.

MEMBERS ONLY can bring the past to the present on an iPad to observe the NEW release of the Monks Mound Tour. You’ll see detailed 3D models bring the past to present with unparalleled realism. Touch Knowledge Point icons that will add to your experience with extra information about artifacts or structures. As you walk between these various stops, you can listen to audio and learn even more. Visitors can stand on the ground where only the mounds remain and through the lens of a digital device, see other cultural features that were present a thousand years ago.

On this tour you will see:

The temple that once stood on top of Monks Mound and its interior

A typical Mississippian dwelling

The stockade wall

A charnel house on Fox Mound

People performing activities and more!

GRAND PLAZA TOUR Coming Spring 2022

Click the following link to learn more.

Heartlands Conservancy Jingle Hike Challenge

Looking for something fun to do between November 25 and January 1? If you like to hike, we invite you to take part in Heartland Conservancy’s Jingle Hike Challenge. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, as well as many other parks in the St. Louis Metro area, will be hiding jingle bells in the trees for you to find. Hike around our grounds and take pictures of yourself with as many bells as you can. You’ll then post them using the Heartlands Conservancy’s new tracking system (Details coming soon). For every picture, you’ll get another entry in a raffle with some fun prizes, including a two night stay at Camp Ondessonk for up to 6 people! All the prizes are for the adventurous.

Registration is $25 per person. More details can be found by following the below link:


Have fun!

COVID Mask Mandates In Place

Per CDC COVID-19 guidelines, all visitors to the Interpretive Center are required to wear masks. Please ensure your mask covers both your nose and your mouth to help us keep our visitors, staff, and volunteers safe. Thank you.

Masks are available at our Welcome Desk.


FREE Membership Only Event

Make your reservations today by calling 618-344-9221

Sunday, October 17th & Monday, October 18th (10:00 am – 3:30pm)


Back to the City of the Sun, an Augmented Reality Experience

Be one of the first to view and review the NEW Augmented Reality project going on NOW at Cahokia Mounds World Heritage Site.


MEMBERS ONLY can bring the past to the present on an iPad to observe the NEW release of the Monks Mound Tour. You’ll see detailed 3D models bring the past to present with unparalleled realism. Touch Knowledge Point icons that will add to your experience with extra information about artifacts or structures. As you walk between these various stops, you can listen to audio and learn even more. Visitors can stand on the ground where only the mounds remain and through the lens of a digital device, see other cultural features that were present a thousand years ago.


On this tour you will see:

The temple that once stood on top of Monks Mound and its interior

A typical Mississippian dwelling

The stockade wall

A charnel house on Fox Mound

People performing activities and more!


GRAND PLAZA TOUR Coming Spring 2022

Click the following link to learn more.

IDNR Recognizes Bill Egan

The Illinois Department of National Resources recently recognized Bill Egan as a 2021 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year. These volunteers spend thousands of hours assisting staff and visitors at IDNR sites.

Bill Egan has dedicated his volunteer service to a variety of duties at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. Mr. Egan welcomes visitors to the site’s Interpretive Center, providing tours of the gallery and seating guests for orientation programs, as well as providing dozens of interpretive tours on the grounds of the site. Mr. Egan also volunteers to give talks on Cahokia Mounds to community groups and civic organizations at libraries, senior centers, and schools. With his knowledge and sense of humor, site staff consider Bill Egan an irreplaceable interpreter for his participation in programs and assisting visitors at Cahokia Mounds.

Nature/Culture Hike

Join Dr. Julie Zimmerman for the Cahokia Mounds Nature/Culture Hike on October 17. You’ll learn about native plants and animals and how the Mississippian culture interacted with them and the environment. 

This is a 2-hour hike through some of the less commonly traveled trails, so make sure to wear appropriate clothing, sturdy shoes suitable for hiking, and to bring water. Sunscreen, bug spray, and snacks are advised, though make sure any refuse makes its way back to our trash cans at the Interpretive Center. It is imperative that no one climb the mounds, as unauthorized foot trails on the sides of mounds are causing sever erosional problems on these ancient monuments. 

NPS Meeting with Congressman Mike Bost

Congressman Mike Bost visited Cahokia Mounds yesterday to discuss the Bill he introduced in April to make Cahokia Mounds and surrounding Mississippian Complexes into a unit of the National Park Service.  The proposed Bill will designate Cahokia Mounds and the other complexes as ‘Cahokia Mounds Mississippian Culture National Historical Park.’ The Bill is currently at the Natural Resources Committee and is awaiting hearing by the Committee.  Currently, there is movement to have Cahokia Mounds designated a National Monument by President Biden, however, the letter to the President hasn’t officially been drafted and sent.  This could happen within the upcoming months if everything goes according to current plans. If the site is designated as a unit of the NPS or as a National Monument, what this looks like in terms of management remains to be seen as there are many steps that must take place following the designation to work through these logistics and it will likely be a lengthy process at best.

Summer Solstice Sunrise Tomorrow!

The Summer Solstice Sunrise observance will be held tomorrow, June 20th, at 5:20 am. Meet at the Woodhenge reconstruction. Atop a stepladder at the center post, Bill Iseminger will discuss the discovery and significance of the ancient calendar. Welcome the rising sun with Bill as he has done four times each year, during each solstice and equinox, for the last 41 years, and learn about this intriguing structure. No ceremonies will take place during this event. For more information, call 618-346-5160.

Our new Woodhenge shirts will be on sale tomorrow for $15. Have a great time!

No More Masks and Brand New Shirts

We’re excited to report that masks will no longer be required to enter the Interpretive Center.

Further, we have a new shirt celebrating Woodhenge at the shop for $18.00.

If you join us for our Sumer Solstice Sunrise on June 20 at 5:20 am, the shirts will be on sale for $15.00

COVID Reminder

Hello all!

This is just a reminder that, due to loosening COVID restrictions, you no longer need to make reservations to visit the Interpretive Center. However, masks are still required in the building.

Come for a fun and safe visit!

Indian Market Days were a huge success!

We are so grateful to all of our artists for sharing their time and their work with us. We couldn’t have made this happen without them and without all of those who came to shop! For three days the Interpretive Center buzzed with activity as people came from all over came to see both traditional and contemporary Indian crafts on display. Thank you again to everyone involved!


Pictured: Stephanie Big Eagle, Tattooist, Writer, Dancer, and Crafter

The Nature/Culture Hike is almost here!

This year’s Nature/Culture Hike is taking place Saturday, June 12th. The event starts at 1:00 pm and is free to attend. Join volunteer and SIUE Archaeology professor Julie Zimmerman on a 5.4 mile hike through most of the site. You’ll learn about the mounds and their cultural significance and hopefully spot some of the beautiful wildlife at the site. The weather should be mild. A great day for a hike!

Indian Market Days are underway!

Come join artists like Quintin Quam today and tomorrow for Indian Market Days at Cahokia Mounds. We welcome Quintin as one of six brand new artists who’ve come to share their beautiful work. It’s gorgeous outside, so come down to Cahokia Mounds for a great day!