Mound 9

Mound 9

Located between N1214-1249 and E130-156, Mound 9 has a north-south dimension of 35 meters (114.8 feet) and an east-west dimension of 26 meters (85.3 feet). Its present height is 0.7 meters (2.3 feet). On the Patrick Map, Mound 9 has a squarish base and a conical top and it rises from its base to a rounded point. On this map it is also connected to Mound 8 by a platform. None of the recent photographs or contour maps provide a clue to the existence of the platform between Mounds 8 and 9. Cultivation and habitation may have obliterated the platform, and it is possible that Patrick confused the platform with the slight natural levee or ridge that underlies the entire Kunneman group. The earlier maps show greater heights than the UWM Map. McAdams (1882) gives a height 12 feet (3.7 meters); Thomas (1894),10 feet (3 meters); and the Peterson-McAdams Map (1906) 5 feet (1.5 meters).

No known excavations have been conducted in Mound 9.