Mound 7

Mound 7

On the Patrick Map, Mound 7 is in direct association with Mound 6. It indicates a somewhat oval, flat-topped shape for Mound 7, as compared to the more steep, conical shape of Mound 6. Taking 127 meters (416.7 feet) as a base elevation for Mound 7, it is located between coordinates N1244 to N1276 and E232 to E282. This gives a north south dimension of 32 meters (105 feet) and 50 meters (164 feet) east-west. The top elevation is 128.6 meters (421.9 feet), for a total height of 1.6 meters (5.2 feet). The McAdams Map of 1882 gives a height of approximately 10 feet (3.05 meters) for this mound; the Thomas Map of 1894, 15 feet (4.6 meters); and the 1906 Peterson-McAdams Map, 5 feet (1.5 meters). These discrepancies are due to the lack of accurate observation by earlier investigators, and to the erosion caused by years of cultivation and other modern disturbances. The early height was probably above 10 feet, as suggested by the McAdams Map. Some discrepancies in the heights cited above may also be due to the failure of the 1882 and 1906 maps to identify and separate Mounds 6 and 7 from Mound 8.

There are no indications that Mound 7 has been excavated, although Mounds 6 and 7 are referred to by Moorehead (1923: 70, 1929: 23,117). These references, however, merely relate the Kunneman mound group to other features of the Cahokia site. It is interesting to speculate on the association of Mounds 6 and 7 in that one is a platform (Mound 7 and the other conical (Mound 6) with a connecting platform between them.