Robert Lewis – Native American Storyteller

As part of the St. Louis Storytelling Festival, now in its 40th year, Robert Lewis will enchant with his storytelling at Cahokia Mounds at 2 pm, on May 4.  Robert is an award-winning Native storyteller, author, and artist of Cherokee, Navajo, and Apache descent.  While researching and gathering stories from elders, storytellers, books, and magazines, Robert struck by the richness and variety of traditional knowledge and humor passed on from generation to generation.  “The traditional stories are a voice for cultural identity of a particular tribe’s lineage and heritage, a vital link to preserving the rich oral traditions and I find myself fortunate to be one of those storytellers retelling this knowledge and humor that has been passed down through time.”

The Storytelling Festival his the largest free storytelling festival in the world and is partnered with the University of Missouri Extension Community Arts Program.  For more information in their other storytelling events, visit

This is a free event and seating will be limited.