Summer Solstice Sunrise Observance
- Mark your calendars and plan to attend this year’s Annual Summer Solstice Sunrise Observance.
- This event is always held on the Sunday closest to the actual Summer Solstice. This year, that date falls on Sunday, June 23, 2024.
- Meet near the center pole of the Woodhenge reconstruction by 5:20 AM. Woodhenge is located west of Monks Mound, down Collinsville Road. There will be a 30-minute, archaeologist-lead discussion focused on the discovery, function, and significance of this Pre-Columbian structure.
- This event is FREE and open to the public and no RSVPs are required.
*** Out of Respect for Native American Cultures, NO ceremonies will be conducted at this event.
- Please be aware that this event takes place on unpaved or uneven/grassy grounds. The center pole may not be completely accessible to some.
- For more information, please call 618-346-5160, or email museumsociety@cahokiamounds.org.