SPRING EQUINOX at Woodhenge March 19, 2023/in Observance of the Spring Equinox Annual, Free, Lecture, Native American /by Linda Krieg When 03/19/2023 6:30 am - 9:00 am Add To Calendar Download ICS Google Calendar iCalendar Office 365 Outlook Live Where Woodhenge Reconstruction Collinsville Road, Collinsville, IL, 62234 Event Type Annual Free Lecture Native American Observance of the Spring Equinox Loading Map.... Woodhenge ReconstructionCollinsville Road - CollinsvilleEvents 38.6844314 -89.97201330000001 Woodhenge on Collinsville Road https://cahokiamounds.org/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/museum-society-logo-e1539985156282-180x180.png 0 0 Linda Krieg https://cahokiamounds.org/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/museum-society-logo-e1539985156282-180x180.png Linda Krieg2023-01-04 13:29:332023-01-04 13:33:35SPRING EQUINOX at Woodhenge